“River” by Joni Mitchell

Daily writing promptWhat is your favorite holiday? Why is it your favorite?View all responses I'd probably have to pick Christmas. Despite the overwhelming about of Christmas songs, the holiday spirit still feels the most astounding and good for this. I dunno, there's something about the winter movies, the cozy fires, skiing, and every festive. Valentines … Continue reading “River” by Joni Mitchell

Dolly Parton – 9 to 5 

Daily writing promptWhen do you feel most productive?View all responses Not this website, probably... haha. well, I'm not sure why this is even a prompt -- I'm sure most people think their working is their most productive. So maybe it's about during spare time? I guess that differs more. I do more chores, such as … Continue reading Dolly Parton – 9 to 5 

“Emoji of a Wave” by John Mayer

Daily writing promptWhat are your favorite emojis?View all responses well, I do enjoy the laugh cry 😂, sometimes the big heart ❤️, and... that might mostly be it. There's a few funny Discord specific server ones, the exaggerated face looking extremely shocked (ex. https://discordmojis.com/ with the :aaaaa: or the :meow_coffee...). Anyways, IDK about this prompt, … Continue reading “Emoji of a Wave” by John Mayer

Hagali – Orchelia’s vox ft. k a e z & Lily(WAVE)

Strangely, doesn't feel strong enough to be added to my "watch later" list, but thought it'd be worth throwing on the site in case I felt better later on, or interested enough. Hagali's style is interesting, using fantasy languages (who makes these languages?) with the Celtic influence to make the obscure and niche songs over … Continue reading Hagali – Orchelia’s vox ft. k a e z & Lily(WAVE)