“Emoji of a Wave” by John Mayer

Daily writing prompt
What are your favorite emojis?

well, I do enjoy the laugh cry πŸ˜‚, sometimes the big heart ❀️, and… that might mostly be it. There’s a few funny Discord specific server ones, the exaggerated face looking extremely shocked (ex. https://discordmojis.com/ with the :aaaaa: or the :meow_coffee…). Anyways, IDK about this prompt, I don’t see people using emojis *that* often, even if they do, they often show the discord server personal emoji’s. oh well.

For the title, I wonder if the Wave means this wave: πŸ‘‹, or the other ocean wave: 🌊. Based on the warped title, I’d think it to be the ocean wave. The song begins rather usual and non-notable but the chorus hits harder than expected, especially with the calling “I’d just hold on, I’d just hold on”. Might be worth more listens…

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