Min Kyung Hoon – Forever Love

Another song not yet in my favorites, this song creates a nice bittersweet feeling, especially with the opening "I can't see you in my memories, my dreams". The build-up to the powerful chorus, especially with "I will never let you go" is admirable. Forever Love, indeed. 85/100

DECO*27 – Delusion Tax

The lyrics are pretty cool, but upon multiple re-listens, no matter who covers it, I can't help but feel that despite the catchy tune, my liking of this song was merely a *delusion*, as the chorus's rock tries a bit too hard. Oh well, it was cool while it lasted. 79/100

Fonzi M – Isabella’s Lullaby

Though not yet in my favorites, this song shows great promise in its calming theme and perfectly fitting the show. You've seen me review their other song from Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai. Indeed, this song displays more of the dreaminess without being overly cheesy. Not bad at all. (B+)