I Need You by Steven Beddall

Sensual, smooth, and perfect for the Eternum game soundtrack, as part of the game I would give it a perfect score, since it perfectly fits the powerful scene with one particular character... although, it's tougher to rate as an individual song. It has some solid ideas going about though. It's definitely deserving of its title.

“Fear” by Blue October

Bloganuary writing promptWhat’s the thing you’re most scared to do? What would it take to get you to do it?View all responses I am not particularly scared of anything in particular. However, in the past I did have fears of not being liked or fear of letting go. It just took my self motivation -- … Continue reading “Fear” by Blue October

hit the road Jack – ray charles

Bloganuary writing promptWhat do you complain about the most?View all responses I complain about the monthly military drills I attend, and also how Spotify keeps recommending mediocre or bad songs. As for this song, it’s a solid one, it has a cool minor key theme going on. Ages pretty well too.