Detective Detective – Static P

Unusual title-- but with a cool story, D. D. asserts its main character as excellent at his job (with nice alliteration-- examples such as "don't you dare dabble in darkness or I'll devise your defeat", along with "did you deceive them deducing darkness in disguise"). Static P proves himself excellent at producing a pop-rock song … Continue reading Detective Detective – Static P

Лера Лера (Лера Козлова) – Неприятно

This is the first time I've reviewed a Russian song, right? Well, this song is catchy. Turns out the lyrics are a little thin too. I know Google Translate isn't 100% accurate but this is what came out of the chorus: "I do not like you at all. And I do not see any sense … Continue reading Лера Лера (Лера Козлова) – Неприятно