Die Milch – Rosaria

Even on the surface, the song is already unusual — the gothic theme, the guitar rock mix, and the chorus is the standard progression yet never fully resolved until the end. Also, there was the random violin chorus in the middle. Perhaps the first hint of something suspicious is the seemingly usual love song phrase, “loves your kiss”, yet the following “will shaken, its mazing” subtly shows the real message of the song. A lot of people might think she’s saying her will shaken is feeling amazing, yet it really makes more sense for her to say she’s hesitating despite it potentially feeling quite good.

thus the song is just as complex and manipulative as the message. Narcissus implies the lover is selfish and the woman wants to give it all, but is merely his doll to manipulate. Now the whole song makes sense, and its gothic influence definitely helps show it’s quite an unusual love song.

All in all, the final chorus describes perfectly how I feel about the song, Japanese and all:

Narcissus loves your kiss あなたの着せ替え人形 幻想も妄想も自由もいらない will shaken its mazing 泣く事さえ許されぬ私を抱いて maiden Ein Märchen 私はあなたの人形 永遠にあなたのあやつり人形 will shaken its mazing あなたの前だけはまだ 汚れを知らない少女のままで このまま眠らせて I’m Rosalia

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