Ado – Rebellion

It’s unusual to see her use four chord progression, but it’s quite familiar to see her signature growl. The song is quite fitting for its title, and it seems to have promise.

Wowowowow, it’s a new song from Ado,

Wowowowow, it’s got an interesting message....

Just follow through and let it Boom.

Listen along to the groove and let it Boom.


check it lout lout, check it lout lout, check it lout lout yeah!

It’s got some style to boot, and never disappoints, ever stronger,

shake it out out, come on listen to the singing! Shake it out out, rockin’ to it;

no matter how critical you are, it present the self versus self,

you gotta admit, it’s got some style and freedom whoaa~.

(This is the time for Rebellion, keep goin’ for what you want…)

[Also, I like how “Boom” feels like it should be quite loud, but Ado sings it very quietly. A nice subversion of expectations! In addition, I thought Ado was mispronouncing “out”, but I almost forgot Lout was an actual word — If you describe someone as a lout, you are critical of them because they behave in an impolite or aggressive way. In other words, it might be her critical self saying; “Check it; Lout lout!” rather than a more simplistic “check it out out”. I like it!! ]

approximate rating: 85/100

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