Pendulum – The Island – Pt. 1 Dawn

I didn’t include the entire thing because it was too repetitive. 4 minutes is enough to get your point across. This song’s beat and EDM style was pretty cool.

The lyrics aren’t shabby at all, including “arrive in the rising sun, the hidden passenger” along with the cool chorus, “take my back the urge has gone, left with no reason ,we come undone”. The electronic sounds help fill the gaps and provide interesting interludes.

Overall, the song is quite subtle about the love theme, with “Dawn” and “The Island” revealing nothing, and no classical love lyrics describing how sweet the girl is or how she looks, or even about break-up. The only big hint is “caught in your slow release, seems like your traveler’s eager”, and even that’s not super obvious. This song does use Four chord progression, but the melody feels nice, and as mentioned before, the lyrics aren’t lazy at all. (88/100)

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