Boop (Casey Lee Williams)

So this week, Spotify had some movie/anime soundtracks, the rest was pretty chill and down, so nothing really made it to my favorites, but “boop” was rementioned (previously not added to the Spotify faves), so I guess I’ll discuss this nice song that ships two of the main characters from Rwby, Ren and Nora. The title refers to how when they were first partnered together Nora lightly touched Ren on the nose and said “boop”. Hence, the chorus of the song goes “when I want to say I love you I say boop”.

“always there for me, you’ve been my family”, she states. At first it seems platonic, but there is a notable change with “when did I start to fall for you”. The grand piano plays with the drum, beginning the theme of the song as it grows more upbeat. The song builds up, especially with her awkwardness, “oh woah what am I to do?”

Overall, it’s a very silly song, highlighting Nora’s silliness but also how she is unsure what to do about her love. Do I like this song? No… boop! 😉

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